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Everything You Need
Providing parents and students with resources for math support at Cooper Middle School.
Khan Academy

Interested Student

Interested Student
Free Resource that has videos on almost every topic as well as practice problems. Students can also follow the instructions on the How To page to select specific grade levels and domains. This is a free resource. You can set up an account with an email address to save progress.
USA TestPrep
Account ID: Cooper38
Username: First.Last Name
Password: Lunch Number
Students can select their grade level and the subject and select individual standards to practice. Students have also been given assignments from the Math Coach to review/prepare for the Milestone. This includes videos, vocabulary and questions.

Open Notebook

Open Notebook
Milestone Study Guides
Provided by the Department of Education, you can access study guides for the GA Milestone to prepare. These are large documents and most likely will not want to print, but information can be accessed online.

Chalkboard with Different Languages

Chalkboard with Different Languages

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